Smartphone Application and Complete System For Emergency Codes with multi ways communication.
My Duty
Rotation and Schedule system .Overhead
Integration with Overhead Paging System . -voice announcement thru Overhead speaker. -VoIP integration to connect for a conversation. -Capability to integration with nurse call system, active directory, public address, IP Phone.Notification
Alerts & Notifications. Sent Alerts, Voice & Messages to the appropriate person’s device at the right time, because of integration with the directory, scheduling, and contact preference data.Join Events
join events and medical activities. -With Medlert, Easy to join events and medical activities.Interactive
Interactive Emergency Codes. -Easy to Create Emergency codes ( Red, Blue, Yellow, Gray, ...). - Easy to call or sent Pager, Text, images, PTT Voice, mail. - Searching for a person, on call , group .One Device
All Sites in One Device. -Communication with other hospitals and entities thru one Device.